June 27, 2010
Dear Mom and Dad,
I got a package from you today. Thank you for that. I haven't opened it up yet but I will do it tonight when we get back to our house. Elder Standage and I will be there tonight. We are going to have a missionary exchange. I am looking forward to getting to be with Elder Standage again. We are going to switch tonight after P-Day and then switch back tomorrow night. This last week we had an exchange with the Kitti elders. I went with Elder Sandvik in Kitti again. It was weird going back with him. I felt like we were still companions and I had just gone on an exchange that lasted longer than normal. It was really good being in Kitti though. I got to see Rickson Paul and all the people at his house. I saw a lot of other members of the branch too. I really liked that. The work in Kitti is still going really well. They have 3 baptisms this Saturday and should have some more coming up after that. We will have one from our area too. Her name is Selerihna. She is doing really well. She is going to open up the door for a lot of her family too. She has a daughter who said she would get baptized too. We just have to start teaching her and helping her get there. She has come to church a lot already but never really joined in our lessons. I think once her mom has been baptized she will be a lot more active. Selerihna has a few daughters that should get baptized.
Apart from them, the work in Palikir, as a whole, is going really well. Our member work is on fire. We had 14 member present lessons last week and only 1 without. That is so awesome. It seems like the branch is just really excited to get involved with missionary work and everything. They are all great.
So everything else in Palikir is going well too. Elder Larson and I are getting ready for zone conference but still have a lot to do. We have some activities that we will be doing in our training and we are working on getting those all coordinated. We have also been preparing everything that we will be talking about. I am looking forward to giving the training. It is on the Spirit and I am really looking forward to talking about personal revelation. That is one of the most simple and also complex things in my opinion. Preparing a training on it has helped me have a better understanding on it and its importance in missionary work.
I am still praying for Uncle Roland.
So mom asked if I got anything while I was on Guam. I did buy a pair of shoes that I can use for zone conferences and zone leader councils. All I had at the time were my crocs and the leather sandals. Other than that I didn't buy anything but that's only because I didn't need anything else. I am fine right now with everything that I have. Socks and shoes are good now and clothes are fine too. I don't have much longer so I will make do with everything that I have.
That is so crazy that Luke Babbit and Armon Johnson got drafted to the NBA. Good for them. I will be able to watch them on TV now and say that I played against them. I will really enjoy telling people about the time that Armon sank that NBA range three in my eye and then slapped my butt and said "Good defense #33!" for the good effort of getting my hand in his face. Now that he is in the NBA I can feel better that he made a shot over me!
Dad asked about a camping trip with the quads and that sounds like it would be a blast. I really enjoyed the last one we did. If we go I will get a chance to pull out some of the survival skills I have learned out here from the Micronesians. To them they are just skills needed for everyday life but to us they are survival skills practically. My machete will definitely be accompanying us on that trip if we go. I have decided that the machete is the wonder tool of the world. Did you know that it works as a lawn mower? It takes a LONG time but it works and all the people here do it.
So nothing else new has really been going on. I hope you are both still doing well. Give everyone else my love. Thanks for everything you do for me.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South