Thank you very much for the email. It is good to hear that everything is well back home. I am also excited to hear that Grandpa is recovering well.Things have been well here. We have been working hard. Nothing new or exciting has happened since my last letter. I am fortunate that I get to email you again this week. We had to come to Weno again for Elder Matuauto's ears. Nothing big, just a follow up appointment. We may be coming in next week as well. Next week we will be having transfers. I think that both of my companions will be leaving and I will be getting a new companion. I'm sure whoever that will be is going to be a great missionary. I would be happy to have any of the other Elders in my zone come to Tonoas with me.
In regards to the families we are teaching... Things are well. Unfortunately we have still been pushing for them to come to church but they will not take that step yet. We have dropped a few of their baptismal dates and may end up dropping them as investigators for the time. We have tried everything to get them to come. We have even offered to walk with them but the culture here is much different than what we are used to so they do not want us to walk with them. All we can do with them is pray and continue to encourage them.
Do not worry about me not making friends with my investigators. I do what I can to be kind to them but there is not much I can do as of now. I say hello to people when I pass and smile. There isn't much more I can do now but the time will come when I can do more.The language is continuing to improve. I have been able to have simple conversations with people but nothing beyond that. I know as I continue to be diligent in studying it the Lord will bless me.
So as for mom's questions:There are about 5 cars on Tonoas. They are barely ever going around and there is no gas station there so they have to go to Weno to get gas in the cans.
There are stores on Weno but none on Tonoas.
The people here do eat a lot of seafood. They fish all the time and come back with a lot of fish. I haven't tried any of it yet but hopefully I will soon.
We do have a small refrigerator in our house. Nothing fancy but it has enough space for bottles of water.
Well I hope that everything is still going well back home. I am excited to hear from you again. I love you so much.
Elder Kevin South
p.s. I have not received your packages yet but they will probably be here shortly. The mail is reliable here so you do not have to worry about it at all.
Note from DeRonda
I had asked Kevin about cars on Weno and had received his e-mail when I happened to look at his mission president's blog and noticed they had also discussed gas on their blog. I have taken these two pictures off of their blog.
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