Dear Mom and Dad,
It's transfers again so we are in Weno for a couple days. Nothing big happened at all for transfers though so nothing exciting to report there. Life is still going well here. I have two letters coming out to you soon. I will mail them tomorrow. I would have done it today but the post office is closed. It is some holiday here in Chuuk. I don't know what it is. The people here look for any way to create a holiday so it is nothing really special.
Romonnum has been good. I am starting to get a lot more settled in now. We have a ton of really good investigators now and a lot of them are getting ready for baptism. We should have about 5 or 6 more by the end of the year. We have one in two days which will be good. His name is Kantus. I told you about him in one of the letters I will send out tomorrow. I'll tell you more about the other investigators we have when they get closer to their baptisms. They are doing really well though and we have had a big break through with a lot of them this week. The spirit truly is such a powerful thing. Watching it hit people and testify to them the truth of everything is such an amazing experience. It is even cooler seeing it in a different language.
I guess I haven't really updated you on the language lately. It is still coming along well. I am still learning a lot but I can say pretty much anything I want. I can understand most of what people say. So many people just have different ways of speaking here that their different words and sentence structures throws me off sometimes. For the most part I have got it down. We have one investigator in particular who throws me off a lot. He is from an island right next to Romonnum called Ton (pronounced like Dad's secretary's name but with a T). He uses some of the weirdest words we have never heard and always uses synonyms of the simple words that we don't know yet. Sometimes I think he does it just to have fun with us. It helps us learn though so we don't complain. The guy is going to get baptized sometime this month so he isn't just throwing us for a loop or anything. He is a good guy.
So I got the letter from mom about the game in Dallas. I was excited about that. I heard the result about a week before from Elder Wells so it wasn't a surprise. I hadn't heard about any of the other games though like the Florida one so that was a bummer. It happens I guess. I'm still waiting for some news on it all from Dad or Lewis. Hopefully soon.
You said in the Email that Ryan came to Reno. Who is Ryan? Kristen's boyfriend or something? Don't make fun of me if I am stupid and just forgot about some close family friend or something.
Well I am glad to hear you are all still doing well. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Take care.
Love Always,
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