Dear Mom and Dad,
A lot of stuff happened this week. I'll start with our trip into Weno. We went in on Thursday and stayed for 4 days. It was a blast like always. Thursday we hung out, e-mailed, and had our interviews with President Dowdle.I had a good interview and we talked about a lot of good stuff. I asked him how long I had left on paradise and he told me a little bit longer. We got transfers last night and I will get into that in a little. Friday we had zone conference. As always we had a lot of good training. We had some good role play activities and the spirit was really strong. Saturday we had our district conference for the members. We hung out at the church for the first session but had to skip the second because we took Elder Matuato to the airport. He goes home in one transfer and he had problems with his visa so he had to go to Guam. He was sad to leave Chuuk. He really love sit here and wanted to end his mission here. After we took him to the airport we went to another session of district conference. Some of the talks were really good. That night we had a family home evening with all the missionaries, the senior couple, and President and Sister Dowdle. It was so much fun. President Dowdle gave a short lesson on Joseph Smith and then we had a way fun activity. It created pandemonium for awhile in the church. Everyone was going crazy. Sunday morning rolled around and we went to the District Conference's morning session. It was good again and the translators did a good job. After that we got to hang out with the members and eat with them. The district buys a bunch of food to feed people since in between sessions most people can't go home to eat. We (the outer islanders) missed the afternoon session to go back out to our islands. It was a fun trip overall, but I was starting to want to go back to Romonnum. I love the peace and quiet out here.
Last night was a big night because we got transfers. It was epically huge. Nothing happens on Romonnum for now. I get to stay here with Elder Ako. I seem to hang onto companions a lot longer than some. I wonder why that is? Anyway though, Elder Sorenson will be going to Guam as well as Elder Wood. We lost three elders to Guam this transfer. We got Elder Lange back who had been serving as an AP. He won't be a zone leader though. He will serve in Mechitiw. There will be a new greenie from New Zealand joining him. We got a new zone leader as well. Elder Kuss. He is actually a native Chuukese from Romonnum. Everyone is way excited for him to come. He doesn't know English very well and speaks to us in Chuukese. As for other moves, Elder Tatiano took Elder Matuato's place in Sapuk as branch president. He was not very excited about that but he is going to do great. I have a feeling that this next transfer will be big too. In 6 weeks we'll know.
So, I'm 20 now! Weird! I feel old. My birthday was quiet. I did not want a big production for it. I got to use all my new clothes for zone and district conference and I was STYLING! Thank you once again for everything. I really like it a ton. It was perfect missionary birthday gifts.
P-day was a lot of fun today. The zone leaders came out here and we played basketball for awhile. Elder Sorenson served in Romonnum for 4 transfers and loves this place to death. He said it feels like home to him. He came to say good-bye to some of the people here. He is sad he is going. We are all sad to see him go as well. He has spent 12 transfers in Chuuk and loves it here.
I got another package from you which was awesome. Thank you so much for that. I like all the food as always and it helps me to be healthier.
I also got two letters from dad on Cougar news! Thank you for all of that. The talk from Elder Holland was awesome as well. I'll respond to some of the stuff that dad said. Our lights are good in the house now, but the water pump is still broken. We deal with it though. I don't mind climbing up on the tanks to pour water over Elder Ako at all. I think I mentioned this in a prior letter that yes, I did complete the language mastery requirements. I am keeping my fingers crossed that BYU will accept it. Keep your fingers crossed.
The earthquakes and tsunamis caused a big scare here amongst the people, but nothing happened. People were freaking out. It was funny to see how they reacted to it. The typhoon did not make it here either. We did get a TON of rain when it went by that was all. We are waiting for the rain to hit again soon. We could use some more. The rainy season here means that it rains a lot to answer your question. I am not sure if we are still in it or not. It will rain up to three days straight just pouring. We just walk around and get wet when it is like that. We get used to it. A lot of the time it just rains for an hour or two and then it lets up. The rainy season is good here because it is a lot cooler. The dry season does have the benefit of the wind but that is only occasional and only from certain directions so it doesn't get the whole island.
The picture you saw on google earth is the chapel and that is a basketball court next to it as well. Romonnum has a full size one which rocks!
I can't believe that Winter is going to have a baby! That is crazy! Congratulate her for me!
Well that covers everything here for this week. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
PS I got grandpa Daune and Grandma Jenny's package. Please thank them. I am so happy that grandpa wrote a little bit! I still pray for him and have faith that he will recover.
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