January 12, 1010
Dear Mom and Dad,
It has been almost three weeks since we have been in to Weno. You probably have been missing my letters for quite awhile. I will send them out when I get to Weno on Thursday. They will be in different envelopes as I don't want to risk putting them all in one envelope and have them go missing. There should be three envelopes with 4 weeks of letters.
So there has been good stuff going on this week. We got word this week about Elder Kuss and he is 100% okay. The hospital in Chuuk is terrible and they messed up. We are all really glad he is ok and back in Chuuk. He came back yesterday (Monday).
Our work is picking up and we have some real good investigators. The last few weeks had been a little frustrating because the work was slower than we wanted it to be. We struggled badly to stay busy and would walk around trying to find stuff to do. We ran into a lot of people who did not want to meet with us and a lot of haters who just wanted to bash. They have no idea what they are missing. So many people leave me baffled about what they believe about our Heavenly Father. How sad it must be to not believe that God is our Heavenly Father and how much he truly loves us. I can't comprehend how much he loves all of us but I am grateful for what I do understand. If only people could know of our true relationship to God and what he wants us to become. I wrote down a quote from president Uchtdorf's talk this last General Conference that I love. He said, "We are only temporary travelers in this world. Let us not devote our God given talents and energies solely to setting earthly anchors but rather, let us spend our days growing spiritual wings. For as sons of the most High God we are created to soar to new horizons." We all have the chance to soar to new horizons. It is hard to see people reject their chances and stay limited to the ground as travelers in a lone and dreary wilderness. God has given us so much and asks for so little. Salvation is free to everyone, we just need to make the choice to get it.
We go into Weno in a couple of days for zone conference and I am excited for that. Maybe I will find out a little bit about where I will go next. Wherever I go, it will probably be my last area before I go to Guam. Hopefully I will have a chance to come back to Chuuk. I am excited to see what the work in Guam is like but want to stay in Chuuk. This next transfer is big and I really don't have any clue what will happen.
Well that is about everything for this week. I wish I had more exciting stuff to tell you about or a letter to respond to. Probably next week. Thanks for everything you do for me. I hope you are both doing great.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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