May 17, 2010
Dear Mom and Dad,
Hi! I just wrote you a hand letter that I will be sending off today as well. Sorry it has taken me so long to write you another hand letter.
Everything has been going great here on Pohnpei. The work is still going forward strong. We have two investigators who will be baptized on the 29th - Rickson Paul, and a 9 yr. old named Justin. They are both studs and are doing well. They live with members but none of their parents are members. The next week after that Ohlfred, Elizabeth, and Oliver are scheduled to be baptized. I hope they will make that date because I am about 95% positive that I will not be staying in Kitti next transfer and that is the last chance I would have to see them get baptized. They have been doing really well. This Saturday they will be married by the Branch President here. Other than them we have some other people who are doing well but I don't have too much else to say.
This last Sunday was District Conference so we didn't get 11 investigators at sacrament meeting like the week before. We did have 2 there though. District Conference was really neat. It was a satellite broadcast that went out to a bunch of different islands in the Pacific. I think Pohnpei might have been the only one in the mission who received it. There were four people who spoke. A member of the 70, the General Primary President, Elder M. Russell Ballard, and President Henry B. Eyring. They gave great talks about the people in the Pacific and families. It was really neat being able to see them on a satellite broadcast. I don't think the people here had a full realization of what was going on but that's fine. I think they thought it was just a movie the church put out. We didn't find out that this last week was District Conference until last Tuesday when we were heading back out to Kitti. It was a bit of a shock and we realized that nobody from the Kitti branch knew that it was going to happen. We had to go around and tell all the members what was going to happen.
So not much else really happened this last week. I guess I am pretty boring! I have been working hard to learn the language still and I am teaching almost 50/50 with Elder Sandvik. I have a goal to finish my language mastery by zone conference next week so I can hand it to President Dowdle. That will be good to finish that and it will be a relief to have that done with. I will still have to work hard after that to keep learning the language though. I have a long ways to go still.
Dad's ipad sounds like a pretty cool thing. How big is it exactly? Is the screen the size of a normal computer monitor?
I am glad to hear that Grandpa Daune is still doing well. I hope he is able to get all the proper medical help he needs to make a full recovery. As always, he is in my prayers.
I was sad to hear that things are hard right now for Uncle Roland. I have also been praying for his well being and his recovery.
Oh, I almost forgot, yes, I would really like to have those drivers license renewal forms sent out. There is a place here that can give me an eye check then I will send them back.
Dad, Thanks for the short clip of the talk that you put in your email. I have heard that before but I forgot it. It was really neat hearing that again. I know that this is the church that holds the Priesthood keys. I know that this is Christ's true church and that His gospel has been restored. One of the things that I studied just this morning that I think is worth sharing is found in Mosiah 14:10. (I am pretty sure that is the write chapter. It is the one when Abinadai quotes Isaiah 53) I thought about how the Lord tells us that when we make Christs offering an offering for our souls we become His sons and Daughters. Abinadai also goes on to elaborate more in chapter 15 v 10-12 on that scripture as well.
Well, I hope that everything is still going great back home. I love you both so much. Thank you so much for all you do for me.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
p.s. Dad, I don't know how many strokes you will expect Lewis and I to give you and Uncle Kerry. I haven't golfed in almost 2 years! and besides, you and Uncle Kerry have much more years of experience under your belts! haha jk.
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