July 18, 2010
Dear Mom and Dad,
Well, another week has gone by already. Today is the first day of the new transfer here. We will be getting transfer calls on Wednesday night which is exciting. We are expecting changes in the zone and possibly I may be getting a new companion. It isn't sure yet though. All will be clear on that soon. This last week slowed down for us a bit which was nice. We had an exchange with some of the elders which was fun. I went with Elder Schuster and Elder Crapo for a day and a half. They are both good guys. Elder Crapo is a greenie and Elder Schuster is his official trainer. They are in a three some with Elder Parker right now because his companion hasn't showed up yet. He got injured in the MTC and had to get some corrective surgery. We have no idea when we will expect him. Hopefully soon. Elder Parker is starting his last transfer and really really wants to train.
So news from this last week in terms of the work: We are meeting a lot of good people right now who have some really good interest in the church. Selerihna is doing great and she has a couple daughters who we have started teaching. They hopefully will be baptized in August sometime. We also are teaching a couple people who know perfect english right now. They are Pohnpeian by blood but American by culture it seems. They have a much better understanding of things than most people we meet and they really want to learn. We have been meeting them for a while and they have been reading and praying and everything. Teaching them in English has been a lot of fun. It is a lot different than in Pohnpeian. Other than them we have some good people who have real good potential.
Today we had a fun zone activity. We hiked up to a mountain down on the Southern side of the island. It is called Takai Dundun which translated means: The rock of the little boys genitals.....hahahah. Ya I get a kick out of that too. The view from the top was neat. We could see over about half the island and out into the ocean. I got some cool pictures. Speaking of pictures, I'm going to try to send off the camera chip next week to you. We don't have time to do it today but I'll do it for sure next week.
Your trip to Alaska sounds like it will be a blast. I am jealous. You should have a lot of fun. Get some salmon vacuum packed for me.. haha jk.
Everything else sounds like it is going well back home. I got a package from Shaun, Grandpa Duane and Grandma Jenny today. I also got a package from Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen today too! I'm going to send them letters next week to thank them and tell them how everything is going.
So you said that you keep track of my flights and everything. I guess I can tell you my next one. We are going to be heading to Guam again on Aug. 7 and will come back the 9th. I am looking forward to the meeting but not the travel. That whole week is going to be crazy. We get back on the 9th and have to take care of at least elders coming from Chuuk. On the 10th President will come with 2 elders from Kosrae and we will have our zone conference here. On the 11th we start a leadership training which will last 4 whole days. We will have to take care of housing and food for all the Chuuk and Kosrae leadership who will be in attendance. That whole week is going to be nuts.
Well, we need to get going back to our area now. We are going to go see the people who know good english. I hope you are both still doing great. Thank you so much for all you do for me.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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