The above picture was taken on Pohnpei. We sent Kevin a big bag of carmel apple lollipops last month and were happy to see him sharing his treats with the locals.
The following letter arrived snail mail.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Ran Annim ami!
Big transfer news! I am going to Chuuk again! I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to go back! Especially to where I will be! My new area is called Sapuk. It is on Weno(Moen) which is the main island. My new assignment 100% intimidates me though. I have been called as the branch president of the Sapuk branch. Sapuk is the only area in the mission that has a missionary as a branch president. The branch is awesome and the plan is to have me be the last missionary branch president.
Sapuk is probably the best area in Chuuk. All the people there are so awesome and the relationship between the missionaries and the branch is great! I will have the same tranquility as I did on the outer islands. It is a walking area. It is the farthest area away from the town as possible. It is like a little heaven out there.
I talked to President Dowdle briefly about my responsibilities and it is pretty much to get the branch ready to hand over to the local members about the time I come home. I am so happy that I get to be an instrument in preparing for this!
I will most likely not be able to e-mail again for the remainder of my mission so it is back to letters. Please don't wait by the computer this week! I hope that isn't disappointing.
Well, that is my big news! I was blown away when I found out. It will be a new experience, but it will be great!
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
PS I don't have any information on my new companion yet. Also, same mailing address as before when I was in Chuuk.
PPS Cheer extra hard for me when you watch the BYU and U of U game!
While I don’t know Kevin, I did stumble across this blog today. My son, Elder Justin Butler, is currently serving on Chuuk in Mechitiw. He arrived in the mission field in October and began serving in Chuuk. We were able to talk to him today (Christmas) about the people and the area. He seems very excited and happy to be in Chuuk. We had more questions than time for our son to answer. I get the impression that Kevin was happy to be returning to Chuuk. I enjoyed viewing the photos here and hope to someday get some photos from our son.
Jerry Butler
WOW! i grew up in Hawai'i. But every summer i travel back to visit my family in Sapuk. This blog totally made me home sick.... I saw some of the missionaries in my aunts house this summer, changed her point of view on life. And I'd like to thank you guys for that....