August 22, 2010
Dear Mom and Dad,
Wow I can't believe you are already on the cruise. I hope you are having a lot of fun there. Things are going well here still. We met the best couple ever the other day. We had received them as referrals from some of the members but were told that we couldn't go see them because an older woman who lived in the same house was really against the church. The members invited the couple to church a lot and they came two times. We said hi to them there but we were never able to make an appointment to go see them. That was about a month ago. The other day we were walking around out in the area where they live and we came across a random house. Before we could even introduce ourselves a man sitting outside by himself quickly told us to get in the house. It was a small house made of wood with a roof made of leafs. It is a very humble home. We only had a chance to tell him our names and he quickly told us about how he needs help to be a better father. I didn't recognize the man and so we asked him a little about himself and found out it was the same man the branch referred us to see. He poured his soul out to us about how he can't provide very well for his family and it was really humbling to hear the man's story. He then told us a little about himself. He went to Bible school for 4 years and was an active member of the Protestant church his whole life but then stopped going because his life felt empty. A year or so later he decided to go to our church and see what was there. He only lives about 100-200 yards away from the church. That was actually the first of the two times he went. He heard the district president speak on families and it touched his life. He said he felt more from the one talk than he had from all the shcooling and years of activity in the protestant church combined. The second time he went to church he stayed for Priesthood and just sat quietly. As he listened to the lesson and the discussion he felt the Spirit again. We weren't able to meet him for a lesson that day but we set up an appointment to see him for yesterday and he was there sure enough. We met at a nearby house of members. They both accepted baptismal dates for Sept. 18 and I think they will possibly be ready before that. They are an amazing little family. The Spirit was strong in the lesson. The man's name is Molens Molen and I will keep you updated on everything with him.
As for our other investigators we have some good things going on. Unfortunately one of Selerihna's daughters is no longer progressing well. We are going to see her tonight and figure things out but I think she is just getting too much pressure from her mom right now. We had an investigator come to church for the first time this Sunday and he has a scheduled baptismal date on the 18th of Sep. as well. He is a great guy named Redson Hadley. I think he has really big potential to be baptized. We are going to see him tonight too.
So that is crazy that BYU may go independent. That would be awesome but at the same time I feel like that would generate a lot of negative media attention. I don't know what they are saying now so I have no idea. I don't know all the details behind it so I don't really have an opinion if it would be good or bad. I know whatever decision is made will probably be best for the school though. Shaun wrote me and said that the decision will actually go all the way up to the quorum of the 12 Apostles. I know whatever they say on the matter will be right. haha! Revelation and football... I never really thought the two would mix.
I got one the package you sent last week with all the grocery stuff in it. The cheesecake was amazing. Thank you for all of those things.
Well, I need to get going now. We have a lot to do today. I hope you two are having a great time on the cruise with everyone. Thank you for all that you do for me. I love you both so much.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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