Dear Mom and Dad,
I can't believe it is August now and I haven't heard anything from either of you about Hot August Nights!!! haha jk. Has it all got started up now in full force? Take some pictures for me.
I got the package you sent with the camera chip I believe. I got a package today but I haven't opened it yet. I haven't had time. I will later tonight. I also got the letter from dad with the BYU articles. I was excited to get those. I was sad to hear Utah left the MWC. The rivalry will be strong still though. The hardest part though is that now when we play them it won't have the same kind of terms. Usually it seems to have a BCS berth or MWC championship on the line.
I haven't gotten my license yet but I got a letter last week saying that it should be here within 15 days. So next week I should have it.
So this last week has been an interesting one. I am with another companion now (my 6th new one in 5 transfers!). His name is Elder Brandenburg and he is from Oregon. He is a good guy.
The work here is going great still. Selerihna's daugther accepted a baptismal date for the 21st of August. She will have to work for that date but she can make it. Hopefully Selerihna's other daughter will be there for that too. She wasn't in the lesson we gave the baptismal commitment so we'll have to get her on one soon. The other good news is about a 14 year old boy named Armstrong who is pretty much a member already. He goes to church all the time and goes to all the young men activities. He is a great kid. His family belong to another church and we were expecting them to not be very thrilled about Armstrong always doing those things but we talked to them last night and it sounds like they don't care too much. That hopefully will be good for him when he talks to them about being baptized. We are going to talk to him about that soon. The other investigators we are working with are doing well still but not great. The English speaking couple got hit with a funeral in the family and those are always really big here. It makes a person busy for like a whole week. We haven't seen them in a little while but we will see the tomorrow night. Hopefully that will go well. We stopped by the other night and the girl, Jasmin, read a little bit so that is still a good sign.
We will be leaving this weekend for Guam and that starts the hectic week of trainings. It should be fun but will be crazy. I think people are going to be looking to Elder Brandenburg and I to put everything together and have it all organized since a lot of the trainings will be here on Pohnpei. I am really excited to see Elder T. who was in the MTC with me. He is the new zone leader in Chuuk so I will see him again.
It was good to hear that Grandpa is doing well still. I am looking forward to seeing him again and talking with him. I got a package from Grandma, Granpda and Shaun and it was fun hearing from them. The stuff they sent was great too. I'm writing them a letter today that hopefully I finish so I can send it today. If not it will be next week.
Next time you see Brent, Brandon or any of that gang that I used to hang out with tell them I said hello. Tell Brent that he better get training hard if he wants to beat me on the course too. I'll dust off the clubs and be putting him in his place real quick when I get back. haha jk.
Well, I guess that is all I have to say about this week. I hope you are both still doing great. Thank you so much for all you do for me. Take care.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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