The above picture was taken in the Chuuk zone on the island of Tonoas early on in Kevin's mission. Kevin mentions loving "someone's guts" in this letter. It is an expression many of the missionaries seem to pick up. It must be an expression used in Chuuk.
January 5, 2011
Dear Mom and Dad,
I seem to have failed too many times to get you a camera chip. I left my chip out in Sapuk on accident and I am at the zone leader's apartment. I'll get it ready to go and give it to them after our district meeting on Thursday. It has some really good pictures of Christmas and New Years.
New Years and Christmas is all over now. New Years was a blast again. On the 31st we had our branch party. We got started a little later in the evening and had some music going. When it got dark and we had some dancing going on and just hung out. The only sad part was that right at midnight the power went out and stayed out. We had empty tins and banged them around and chanted, but that is entertaining for only so long.
On the 1st work was rough. Members did not want us to go out because of all the drunk people. We finally got to go and sure enough we ran into a bunch of drunks. They cursed at us and tried to fight us. We walked away and then went back to the church. We couldn't do anything really so we went back to the church to celebrate New Years with all the members. That night the Michitiw elders joined us and we played music really loud. A bunch of the locals came by and danced around with us. At midnight we stopped partying because it was Sunday. The next morning church was okay. We had 30 people which wasn't much but I figured most people were sleeping because they partied after midnight. That put an end to our new Year's parties.
We just barely had an exchange with the Mechitiw elders. I worked with Elder Butler in Mechitiw. We had a good time together. I really like Elder Butler. He is in the marines and took a leave to come out on his mission. He is a super stud and I love his guts.
Work has been going alright in Sapuk. I've got a goal of getting four people baptized before the end of my mission. There are four people that are all on baptismal dates right now. 2 are Ande's family. It's his son named Hanson and Hanson's wife, Jereen. They are such awesome people. I really think they can get baptized soon. He has a calling in the Protestant church, but came to church on Sunday. The other baptism is for an 18 year old named Jess. He is like a best friend to Elder Fisher and me. The last one is a guy named Bacardi. He is a great guy who is working really hard to change his life. He kicked all his word of wisdom problem cold turkey on the first. He can get baptized pretty soon. If those four people get baptized I will feel pretty happy about the end of my mission.
Well, nothing else is really going on here. Elder Fisher and I are doing great. I am thinking I will be with him for another transfer.
I haven't heard from you in a while, but I figure it is just the Christmas rush at the post office still. Hopefully next week I will hear from you. I Hope you're doing well and I hope I hear from you soon!
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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