The above picture was taken in March 2010 in Chuuk.
A little note on this letter in the top margin says Hi From Elder Robertson and a little smiley face.
December 27, 2010
Dear Mom and Dad,
I almost forgot to write you this week. Since I talked to you yesterday and today was the branch Christmas party I felt like I had already written you. It's already 6:30 PM and we're at the Duncan's abandoned apartment. The Petersons are making us a belated Christmas dinner. The outer island missionaries couldn't come in until today and the Peterson's wanted to feed all the missionaries so we had it today.
Well, I don't have much to say since we just talked but I will tell you what happened these last couple of days. So on Sunday we had a run of bad luck. We tried to go back to Sapuk around 8:30 AM so we could get everything ready for church but when we were backing out onto the main road we ran over something and the back tire was flat. We didn't have any spare, the zone leader's phone was off, it was pouring rain and church was going to start at 10AM. We did the only thing we could. We started to walk. I think it is about 4 miles. We got soaked to the bone. We tried to hitchhike but it took a long time. Finally some saint let us get on the back of his flatbed truck and took us within a half mile of the church. We were so grateful for his help. We got home around 9:15. I had time to shower and clean up before church. Church started and only one of the 4 people I asked to speak was there so I had to speak about 30 minutes. I felt like it went good though. All in all we had a good showing at church and we had all the other meetings as well. It was a crazy day, but it increased my testimony that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers. We probably wouldn't have made it home if it wasn't for his divine intervention.
Today was the branch Christmas party. We woke up and started getting everything ready for it. We barbecued a bunch of chicken and hot dogs and then got started. We had a secret Santa exchange and then ate the food. When we finished we played around and relaxed. After that I threw out candy to the masses. You'll understand when you watch the video. We played more games and hung out. A few of the games are on the video I will send you soon. When it was all done we came here to the Petersons. The party was good and on Friday we are going to have another one for New Years. Last year's was crazy and awesome and I'm sure this one will be too.
That about covers the last few days. It was really good talking to both of you again. I wish we had been able to talk a little longer, but in a few months we won't have to worry about it at all. Thank you for everything you do! I love you!
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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