A recent picture of Kevin and the three missionaries he went through the Mission Training Center with.
February 7, 2011
Dear Mom and Dad,
This last week has taken me a bit by surprise. Things were a little rough for a lot of reasons. I am glad that I will have more time to be here to see things turn around a bit and get back to good. There were funerals left and right. We also had meetings to go to that kept us busy. One thing that was both a blessing and a curse was that I was able to see Elder T this week. He came to Chuuk for an AP tour. He spent almost a week going around to the different areas and seeing people. We had a great time together and had a lot of fun talking about old times and our missions. The curse was saying good-bye. We saw him off at the airport and that was the last time I will see him as a missionary. One thing we had always talked about was going home together and talking Chuukese the whole way home. Because of my extension we won 't be doing that. Seeing him go and saying good-bye was hard. I miss him already. I'll see him in Utah though.
This week we have our zone conference here. It is the last one and I am excited for it. I will give my testimony and have my last interview before my exit one. I do think that the member branch president will be called and set apart soon. I will enjoy helping him before I have to leave.
I received a letter from dad today and was happy to hear that everything is going well. I was also really happy to hear BYU basketball is doing so well. I hope they beat San Diego in the big game! I am looking forward to watching them in the tournament this year! It would be devastating if I get home the day after they lose and are another one and done. I expect them to make it to the sweet sixteen at least this year. My fingers will be crossed.
I am sorry that I don't have a lot to report on this week. It was a rough week but I guess that is normal with missionary work. I hope both of you are doing well. I love you!
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South