This picture shows a stove on Pohnpei
January 31, 2011
Dear Mom and Dad,
Good news! Bacardi was baptized this weekend. It was a really good service and the spirit was really strong. A lot of people commented about it. He was baptized by a 19 year old in the branch named Osimiday. He is getting ready to go on a mission. It was awesome to have him baptize someone. He did the confirmation too. The coolest thing happened during the baptismal service. We waded out into the ocean for it. There were a lot of people on the shore. I was in the water because I was a witness. All the people on shore said that as soon as Osimiday raised his arm to the square two white birds flew over us in the air. When we got back on shore everyone was talking about how cool it was and that it was just like Christ's baptism. I thought about what Joseph Smith said about that. He said that the dove is assign from the Holy Ghost that the work has been accepted. I explained that to the congregation on Sunday prior to the confirmation.
This week at church we had a meeting high for attendance since I have been in Sapuk. We had 38 people there and also 5 investigators too. Things have been going really well in the branch and things are going to get even better. A lot of good stuff is going on and a lot of locals are starting to notice it. The church in Sapuk has grown a lot the last two years and it is going to go a lot faster here soon.
So I am glad that BYU has been doing well in basketball still. I hope I will get to see some games after I get home. What does the schedule look like? I can't imagine them being a one and done tram this year. We can only hope though I guess.
I have had a chance to listen to the tape you sent and see the pictures you sent. Everyone looks and sounds great. I was so happy to see Russ with the family. Make sure he is around when I get home.
I got the last two packages that you sent today. Thank you for sending those to me. It was weird having you write that these are the last ones you are sending. It makes me feel old or something.
I hope you are both still doing well. I love you both!
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
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