The above picture was taken on Pohnpei.
January 10, 2011
Dear Mom and Dad,
The first full week of January is over now. We made a bunch of resolutions that we have been working on in our zone so we have been working hard. Work has been picking up a bit in our area and we'll have some baptisms soon. We have 5 people scheduled for January 29th. They are all solid for baptism even if they aren't entirely ready by that day.
I received some awesome news from the zone leaders. They just had the zone leader council and came back. Elder Brandenburg sent out a bunch of pictures of people we were teaching who got baptized! Here are their names:
1- Robert Yago (JR's older brother) December 11,2010
2- Veronika David (family of three, one more to be baptized soon) December 25, 2010
3-Jefferson David December 25, 2010
4- Bryanna Paul January 1, 2011 (Morchlokese girl)
5- Edwin Agrippa (Morchlokese guy in Sekere branch) January 7, 2011
I am so excited that these people are baptized now. I was really close to the first four on the list and they are like my family on Pohnpei. The last one we taught and he got married while I was there. I wasn't expecting him to be baptized so soon but I am way excited for him. There are two more people that I am expecting to get baptized soon from Palikir.
This last week at church we had a decent turnout. It wasn't a good week because a local Protestant church had a third Christmas. I guess the first one wasn't enough. They invited very single church in Sapuk to go. Our branch was the only one that didn't go. Some of the members went though. The branch is doing well though. I called a Relief Society president this week which will help a lot.
I'm excited to go to Pohnpei next week. We leave on January 17th and come back on the 20th. I'm going to get to see all the people who got baptized. Elder Brandenburg stayed in Palikir and I'm going to be with him. Elder Standage was transferred to Kitti so he'll be at the meetings too. It will be good.
I received a couple of letters from you this week. I'm glad to hear you are doing well and that BYU sports is doing really well. I heard TCU dominated in the BCS and that Utah got stomped on so all is well in the sports world. I got a packages from Grandpa Duane and Grandma Jenny and Uncle Shaun last week. I'm going to write them soon. I may have time next week on the plane ride. I struggle to find time on Preparation Day to write all the letters I need.
Did my missing package with my journal I sent home ever arrive?
I love you both and hope you are doing well. Thanks for everything you do for me.
Love Always,
Elder Kevin South
PS Next week I am going to marry a couple in the Mechitiw area. I'm way excited for it!
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